We at grettie’s goodies knows this pandemic has been stressful to many and recognize that socializing and interacting with peers can be a healthy way for children to cope with stress and connect with others, particularly after spending quite a bit of time at home. After careful thought and planning, we will continue to hold in person indoor and outdoor classes.
The health and safety of our students and counselors remain our highest priority. Below, you will find a summary of actions we are continuing to take to help ensure we are lowering COVID-19 risk as much as possible. We are:
All baking stations have individual tools and utensils, campers are encouraged to maintain distance from each other during lunches and breaks and counselors are monitoring and advising campers to maintain social distancing guidelines.
All kitchen and restroom surfaces are wiped down with CDC approved disinfectants. Outdoor stations are wiped down with CDC approved disinfectants before and after class and camp, before and after breaks and between recipes. All kitchen tools, utensils, bowls and other implements are washed and sanitized using a chlorine solution as directed by the Seattle Dept. of Health.
Limiting the number of items that are shared or touched between campers by ensuring that all have their own baking utensils. Campers are strongly discouraged from sharing tools. When counselors engage with campers they wear single use gloves and masks.
Promoting healthy hygiene practices: Our campers wash their hands for 30 seconds at the beginning of camp, at the beginning and end of every break, before and after lunch and every time they enter the kitchen. Counselors wash hands in all the same situations and wear gloves. Gloves are replaced at every washing and between every recipe.
If a child does get sick at camp, we have identified an area where they can rest, be watched after, and safely isolate from others. We will communicate with parents or caretakers directly and, if necessary, arrange for the child to be taken to a healthcare facility for care.
We ask that you help us protect the health of campers this season. Anyone who has tested positive sick with COVID-19 should not come to class or camp. Be on the lookout for symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. Call your doctor if you think you or a family member is sick.
If you have a specific question about this plan, please contact us for more information. You can also find more information about COVID-19 at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus or on CDC’s website for youth and summer camps (Guidance for Operating Youth Camps (cdc.gov).